Friday, April 28, 2017

Moving on

Wrapping up nearly a decade.  Can you loan me a box or storage unit to hold everything from the past ten years?  A life-changing mission trip.  Watching cancer devour my mother.  Knowing what courage is to speak in front of people, boldly.  The first child’s high school graduation.  The first child’s college graduation.  The first child’s marriage.  The second child’s high school graduation.  The third child’s lifetime.  My man by my side the whole time enduring me!  A job.  Not just a job, a friend-maker.

It comes to an end today.  The job, that is.  This chapter is closing.  Some things I want to remember.  Others, not so much. 

I will make that final presentation today.  I will close the door of this chapter and say farewells.  But I am leaving some stuff undone.  I don’t remember having this feeling upon leaving other jobs.  Most certainly peace I can’t describe but deep concern for the continuance of what I am leaving; for who I am leaving.  They have become family.

So farewell.  You have left a permanent mark on my life.  I am leaving better than when I started.  Thank you for the last ten years.  My continued prayers and thoughts will remain with you.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

New Opportunities

What do you see in opportunities?  Do you see dread?  Facing an unknown situation with unknown people and unknown circumstances.  Something feels comfortable about the familiar. To be able to settle down in the well-worn chair and continue doing what has been done over and over provides security and safety from the unknown. 

But none of us knows what tomorrow holds. 

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”
Matthew 6:34 NKJV

So is the safety and security truly found in that comfy old chair?  What did He say right before?

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
Matthew 6:33 NKJV

Oh, yeah, that Kingdom. That Kingdom spared from insecurity by the One  laid in a borrowed tomb after being beaten and crucified. His blood shed so cleansing and safety from an eternal hell could be known. Ah!  That is where true security is found. Not in the mundane chores of daily living but in the miraculous sacrifice made by Jesus. Offered by His Father. That sacrifice that rips and shreds sin to death. Victory over sin. Yes. That is safety. 

And moving out of the tomb brought the promise of my resurrection. Because to stay in that tomb would bring victory to death. And OH, NO!  Death has no victory. 

Time spent in the tomb made preparations for tomorrow. Experiential knowledge preparing the way for new life. Springing up from the grave in victorious resolution. 

“And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat on it.”
Matthew 28:2 NKJV

No better time to realize the need for a good shaking. A good bouncing to stir things up a bit. Sifting away what is no longer needed to reveal the abundance that remains. Resurrected life. New opportunities. 

Don't sit in that comfy chair and wait for them to find you. Go seeking!  Like all the eggs that will be found this very weekend!  Find the opportunities in front of you.