Sunday, December 21, 2014

"Spiritual Reset"

She spoke words echoing my heart.  It is in the clicking and the quiet that I come to Him and know His Presence.  She keeps visual reminders of grace so that when the chaos builds all she need do is look around and glimpse those reminders.  A spiritual reset.  That is what she called it.  A spiritual reset.

In the midst of the broken and ugly, choosing to see that which is gift.  Returning to grace because sometimes chaos deafens and blinds causing need to refocus.  Remembering devotion becomes the devotional.  Living in a fallen world in need of that return to grace.

She reminded me.  Reminded me that the clicking of these keys is not for you to hear but for Him.  He doesn't need the reminding but I do.  And through clicking these keys on this open source of light in this dark room, I draw closer to Him.  I have missed this clicking devotion.

It is His Light I long for, not the one shining in my face.  It is in this quiet place that His Light becomes loudest to me.  It is that moment when nothing else exists except His Presence.  Knowing His love and grace and mercy.  Knowing His provision.  Knowing peace.  Knowing joy.

Advent in the clicking.  Preparing for Him by knowing Him.  Anticipating Him.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Before Thanksgiving consider the Cross

Guilty.  Beyond a reasonable doubt.  No other logical explanation.  The proof is smeared on the hands.  Look at them.  There are traces of red remaining.  Murderer.  That spike split skin and vessels and cartilage and tendons.  And not only once but three times.  Blood spewed from the impact of the hammer.  The hand holding the spike is splattered.  Skin and metal piercing the wood.  The eyes of the one being nailed to the very tree of death watched every move.  Knowing all too well the results of each hammer strike.  And whether you were the one with the hammer or just watching you are guilty of the blood spilling from the skin carrying that once Baby-Jesus.

You don’t want to think of Christmas on the Cross?  But that is why He came.  He came for that very moment and beyond.  He didn’t come so we could have big gaudy bows on extravagantly decorated trees.  His tree was not one you would have in your house for fear of that blood dripping red from that tree staining that freshly cleaned floor.  The red on your tree will come from cellophane wrapped packages not skin-wrapped God.

So go make preparations for your celebration tree.  Have no thought for the guilt-stains remaining on your hands.  Because when that final breath was taken on that blood-stained tree, He proclaimed it finished.  He closed the trial by becoming the ultimate sacrifice for all sin.  Those blood-stained hands are white-washed in mercy.

But before you go to make those preparations for that celebration tree, give thanks.  Before you partake in the blessing of the birth of that final sacrifice, thank God for the forgiveness of sin and the washing clean of those blood-stained hands.  Thank God for the knowledge of salvation and the miracle of eternal life.  And if you don’t have that knowledge of salvation then you don’t have the miracle of eternal life.

So let me tell you about that salvation.  That blood-stained cross held all that is needed for forgiveness.  Each and every human, except that One God-man, is guilty of sin.  Each one bears the marks of rebellion toward the Creator.  Each one has the freedom to choose obedience or disobedience.  But to know obedience means to know the One who created.  To know Him is to love Him.  But there is only one path to knowing Him.  Believing in that Sacrificial Lamb who took on all sin so that you and I can be pardoned of our sin; that is the one and only way to know God.  Jesus paid the price for our freedom from the chains of sin.  And if you know Him, you want to know Him more.  He fills you with His Holy Spirit so that you have His guidance.  He has a whole book devoted to Him.  He tore the veil so that you and I can approach His throne of grace directly in our prayers.

Do you know Him today?  Have you chosen that One offering freedom from sin?  Do you live fully aware of the sacrifice that pardoned you?  If you know Him and have accepted His offering of grace, you have much to be thankful for.  If you haven’t, skip Thanksgiving and run to Easter and then come back and rejoice.  You will have much to be thankful for and the best Christmas of your life!