Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The fear of the Lord is not a dreaded emotion of terror rather a righteous respect of the awesome wrath of the jealous God. An all-consuming love for the Creator which brings constant awareness of proper perspective. Understanding that His love far surpasses any experiential knowledge held of the verb. Knowing that humans are humans and incapable of meeting, fulfilling or satisfying the only love provided by The One Who Created.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Abundantly Beyond

Prosperity is holding us captive.  That was the gist of what he was saying right there at the end.  After speaking of the yoke of Jesus being easy and the burden light because He takes it all on Him and we don’t have to carry it any longer.  Leaning on Him and letting Him bear the weight because after all He can handle it much better than me.  But is there recognition of the lack of weight associated with Him carrying that great load or is there a constant tugging to keep it on my shoulders?  Does the abundantly beyond have so great a measure that I forget Who actually carries the load and bears the burden in order to provide the abundantly beyond any comprehension within my miniscule mind?  Too great a thought to think!
Am I really consumed with consumption to the point of forgetting where all that I consume came from? 
Still too great a thought to think?  Yes, for me.
He desires me to recognize His abundantly beyond.  Not that I can begin to comprehend the height or breadth or depth or vastness of it all but that it is His.  That it is all Him.  That the very breath breathed cannot be inhaled or exhaled without Him allowing it.
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.  Ephesians 3:20-21 (NKJV)

Friday, November 25, 2016

Black Friday?

Lines galore. Some smiles; some frowns. Pushing and shoving and arguing over who will get that last cheap gadget from the shelf. Exploding wallets leaking useful resources into sewage spills of waste. Within hours of using for the first time the novelty wears off and it is left to collect dust or head to the landfill or counted as a tax deduction on Schedule A. Really?

The International Mission Board has this list of areas around the world of people groups that have no clue that salvation can be theirs. Take a look at this massive list.
This is a spreadsheet I can relate to!!  But this list is not just data that has no meaning. The implications within this sub-set of facts equates to millions of souls never knowing the eternal love of God. 

While the coffers of big commerce grow today from the frenzy of deal-getting consumers, many are being consumed by hell. Talk about a "Black Friday"!!!

The latest, greatest deal of the day will be useless tomorrow. 

But the souls of those represented by the great big spreadsheet will forever be tortured and tormented because today's deal was just too good to pass up. 

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is a project organized a long time ago for the sole purpose of saving souls internationally. You can learn more about it here.

You get to choose how to use the resources God has given you. Choose wisely. 

Saturday, November 19, 2016

My Strength Comes from the Lord

Waiting. Waiting for the doctor. Waiting for results from the hole poked in my chest.  Waiting to know what will be my next course of action. Will the results change what will be happening over the future of me?  Will I still run with endurance the race set before me?  Or will I collapse into a heap of senselessness?

I waited with my mama almost six years ago. Waited on results from holes poked in her body and bones. How did she face it?  I sat in the room with her. Did she hold in emotion for the protection of her child?  She faced it with a brave face and determined her course of action because of her family. She decided the option that gave hope of a little more time with family.  Hers became fatal. 

But this one is mine. And I have kept quiet about it for the most part.  

I don't want attention directed at me. I just might be a complete failure and really don't want to let you down. Because falling into a senseless heap goes against everything I know!  It doesn't represent the strength I have because of the One that placed it in me because of my weakness. 

Oh for grace!  Blessed mercy I don't deserve!  Healing and health that happens everyday to my mind and heart and soul and body. 

This hole in my chest was determined to be needed just before my much anticipated half-marathon.  So I ran thinking my running would end that day.  How can you continuing running with something dreaded hanging over your head? How do you even continue at all?

I have a young friend that is a courageous man. His brain is bringing about physical challenges that should hold him down and make him want to crumple into a senseless heap. But he doesn't. He has a testimony to live out loud. He shares his condition and learns all he can so he can help the next person. He knows he is in the Hand of God and welcomes the opportunity to share what God is doing in and through him. God shows His strength through this young man. And many stand in awe of God's handiwork with this beautiful person. It is a marvelous sight!

So my waiting ends.  The doctor enters with a different face than what I had seen prior to this hole being poked in me. His eyes reflect the news he has. And I begin to think of him and how he has to give good and bad. But he delivers good  to me. 

What praise is adequate to offer the King of Kings?  And I just hope and pray I could say the same exact thing if the news had been different. But for today He offered me one more chance to live without  cancer. 

So instead of staying silent any longer, the words of my daddy ring in my head, "Has God chose you to be tested before all people in your life."  Life worth living is bound to show our failures. Isn't that the point of this clicking of thoughts? So that all of life is pointed to a Redeemer?  This vapor of life is not our own but lived for our Creator. Regardless of worldly diagnosis. Sin is the world's diagnosis. Forgiveness is God's gift to the world. But a gift must be accepted!  I pray you have accepted His gift for you.  In accepting His gift, there is hope.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Is it in that picture hung on the freshly painted wall?  Or is it in that work project that seemed to take forever but is done?  Is it that clean sink just scrubbed to look like new?  Is it crossing a finish line in a much anticipated race?  Perhaps it is found in that prized car so desperately longed for. Or in the face of a newborn child?  Maybe it is in that newly wed spouse or the one that has been around for decades now. Is it the house?  The sunrise?  The sunset?  A fresh bouquet of flowers?  That new outfit complete with the perfect accessories?  That dish you just prepared that is tantalizingly beautiful and delicious. A song. A poem. A book. Physical attributes. Intelligence. Drugs. Alcohol. Sex. 

Where is it found?  

Can it be found anywhere?

Is it known at the diagnosis of a disease?  Can it exist as a coffin is lowered in the ground as thoughts of continuing seem impossible in that moment?  Is it in a hospital bed with needles and cords and beeps of life hanging on?  Is it in the uncertainty of tomorrow when the struggle just seems too great?  Is it in the anger of knowing abuse?  Is it in the death of another unborn child because it just wasn't wanted?  Can it possibly exist in a nation torn and ripped and bleeding to death from an election?  

Oh!  It can be found in all of those places. Because it isn't situations, circumstances, things, or people that cause it to exist. Not an election. Not an abortion. Not abuse. Not the sunrise nor the sunset. Not flowers or landscapes. Not family or friends or enemies. Neither drugs nor alcohol can bring it into being. 

It is only found in the depth of knowing God. To sit still and quiet just to hear silence. In the silence the listening echoes only Him. Removing all hindrances. Draining life's battles so that all is left is all that is important. 

Realizing the worries of yesterday are minuscule and ridiculous. And isn't the worry of the MINUScule the subtraction of joy. That equation doesn't add up. 

To live with the contentment of knowing God both in the depths of silence and in the chaos of life's freeway of hills and valleys and bumps and crashes is the longing of my soul. He brings contentment. Only Him. 

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Who will you believe?

It is not very often that I sit and reflect much anymore. There comes a peace when I allow myself to do so. I have become wrapped up in social media sites looking at other people's lives and missing this time of reflection. 

It is interesting to see the views people take on matters and how strong opinions can display a person's true beliefs. Sometimes those good opinions display themselves behind such anger or sarcasm that it seems contradictory to the good the person is trying to make. I know that is a crazy sentence. Hang with me. 

The current political environment is not one that I have any expertise. I know no candidate personally. I have knowledge of only what media outlets choose to display and that results in those outlets forming and shaping my opinions of candidates. The media chooses what is seen and known. 

Can I trust the media?  Here again, I have no expertise in the ethics and integrity of media professions. And even if I did, people fill these roles. People are human. Humans make mistakes. We are all sinners. 

So what should I trust of what I see and hear?  Snipets of lives cannot portray the whole truth. At some point there has to be a reconciliation of what has been seen and heard and the discernment of the individual that has been fed whatever the media wants to provide. 

And how is that discernment made?  How does one take everything that is being continuously blasted through televisions and websites and social media and magazines and newspapers and the gossip in the office to discern truth?  I can say with certainty that it isn't by continually listening and reading and watching those sources. There has to be a quiet reflection and seeking truth and with all the noise quiet is disrupted. 

At some point the Truth has to make Himself known in the life of an individual before discernment can happen. And when it happens peace can fill the void of uncertainty that is forced upon the watchers and readers and hearers of the chaos of media. Some fake form of discernment may be attempted but without Truth it is a lie. 

“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.””
John 8:32 NKJV

“My son, if you receive my words, And treasure my commands within you, So that you incline your ear to wisdom, And apply your heart to understanding; Yes, if you cry out for discernment, And lift up your voice for understanding, If you seek her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures; Then you will understand the fear of the LORD, And find the knowledge of God. For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding; He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk uprightly; He guards the paths of justice, And preserves the way of His saints. Then you will understand righteousness and justice, Equity and every good path. When wisdom enters your heart, And knowledge is pleasant to your soul, Discretion will preserve you; Understanding will keep you, To deliver you from the way of evil, From the man who speaks perverse things, From those who leave the paths of uprightness To walk in the ways of darkness; Who rejoice in doing evil, And delight in the perversity of the wicked; Whose ways are crooked, And who are devious in their paths;”
Proverbs 2:1-15 NKJV

“if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
II Chronicles 7:14 NKJV

There is only One who can heal this land but the requirement of that happening is an earnest praying and seeking Him and turning from wicked ways.

“Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil.”
Proverbs 3:7 NKJV

So if you have read this far, I ask you to do just that. Seek Him for the discernment needed. Not just for political decisions but for your everyday life. 

I will be seeking to do the same. And that may require me to stay away from social media so much!

Let me know how it goes with you!!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Fear undone

She came out of the trees at a slow trot seemingly to greet me but my fear kicked in. She crossed the ditch and came toward me with a low growl. My fear remembered the unpredictability of the unknown. 

Will this be the place I quit?

From the front porch she hears her master call so she retreats. I am still left scared. Do I go back home after only making half of my goal?  

What was it that happened to Daniel?  I just read it. Just considered the fear and trembling Daniel felt at the presence of "... a certain man clothed in linen, whose waist was girded with gold of Uphaz!”
(Daniel 10:5 NKJV

So should I fall on my face, trembling?  Will I allow this creature stop me?  Will I allow fear to stop me?  She is not nearly as intimidating as this "man clothed in linen."  But I am not Daniel either. But haven't I experienced the protection he knew when in that den of lions?  

So I remember further. 

“Therefore I was left alone when I saw this great vision, and no strength remained in me; for my vigor was turned to frailty in me, and I retained no strength.”
Daniel 10:8 NKJV

But perhaps it is not my strength I should count on. My strength is frail. My muscles turn to jelly. My heart wants to seize and choke the life out of me. All I see are big teeth wanting to taste that jelly. 

“And he said, “O man greatly beloved, fear not! Peace be to you; be strong, yes, be strong!” So when he spoke to me I was strengthened, and said, “Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.””
Daniel 10:19 NKJV

He strengthens me. And I remember...

“who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.”
I Peter 1:5 NKJV

His power. Not mine. His salvation. Faith that makes me know His protection. 

So I continue....

“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,”
Hebrews 12:1 NKJV

Saturday, June 11, 2016

No mourning

How can I mourn for her?  The finality which appears before my eyes is based upon what I can see.  What experience do I have that causes me to think any tears I shed are for her?  I can't claim experience of where she enters.  I have faith that place deserves no mourning. 

No!  I will not mourn for her. 

Even though my heart skips a beat and a lump forms in my throat constricting my airway, I will not mourn for her. The tears I shed may be for me or others she leaves behind. Perhaps for the world around me because she made it a better place. This world has been different because of her.  Without her a gaping hole will remain that no other person can fill. It is just her size. 

Her testimony to loving her family. Her witness in doing for her church family. Her life lived for Christ. 

And isn't that what we are each called to?

I can't mourn for her. 

She had a glorious expectation of seeing her Savior. An excitement beyond comprehension for the anticipation of rest. Not just any rest but the rest offered by her Creator. 

To mourn for her would be doubting the promise of that rest. My mourning is for me. My mourning is for others. My mourning is for this world. 

I want to celebrate for her. I want to shout hallelujah and sing praises to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords for the eternal rest and peace she enters into by escaping the hold of this temporary world. 

Yes!  I. Will. Celebrate. For. Her. 

And I will remember her smile. I will remember how she accepted teasing with grace. And returned it with fun. I will remember her attention to the preservation of memories. History should be remembered.  I will remember the care she gave to people and the resources given to house a congregation. I will remember her commitment to community. I will remember her sincerity. 

She rests now leaving a legacy of faith and commitment to God. 

We who remain should learn from a life well lived. Ours is not a place of ease and luxury. Ours is a place of working until that day we enter that eternal place of rest. 

So remember the example she was. Remember her tenacity. Remember her longevity. Remember the work of her hands. Remember her commitment to Christ. Remember her commitment to community. Remember her commitment to family. Remember her when you just don't know what to do next. Look for it and do it unto the Lord. 

Friday, May 20, 2016

War Room or Battlefield?

Heads slowly raised and she spoke the words we all had experienced.  The words were not spoken with irreverence but exultation from that which she experienced.  “I felt the Holy Spirit.”

Drawing into the place of worship where no outside influence can penetrate.

Because God is Holy.

Sacredness in a small country building that congregates His church.

Women bowing heads and holding hands postured so that He can do what only He can.

Laying aside chaos for peace.

Replacing turmoil with comfort.

Recognizing in that very moment our position of sitting at the feet of the One to be adored.

Because He first loved us and showed us what love is.

Because He is love.

Warrior princesses baring hearts.  He stirred us.  Because we desired it.

Because He desired it.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Justice for my injustice

He said it out loud. Unexpected but anticipated. The words matched the situation but how could he know. He spoke reality without even knowing the situation. To have it recorded would do it much better justice. 
The explanation of pulling away instead of coming together. The desire of running and hiding with hopes of the darkness covering transgressions and iniquities. Feeling like the darkness can keep it under wraps with no fear of being found out. Darkness keeping exposure prevented. Without exposure is there no evidence?  
Even the darkness holds clues. Perhaps an untrained witness couldn't detect the evidence staring straight in the eye but to look at the microscopic level of attitude and analyze the deeper behavior may present those close to the situation to have suspicions.  But how deep will they look?  
Will they investigate until the verdict is made and sentencing rendered?  Is there even one that will ensure justice?  Justice for the guilty or innocent, no matter the verdict?  Do the prosecutors have the credentials to deliver a guilty verdict?  Can any witness speak with any certainty as to the crime and be held harmless?  Who among the spectators can be found innocent of equal charges?  
The red dripping, pouring, leaking down rough splintered wood runs stark pure over the mortal wounds of a guilty soul. The only One that didn't have the opportunity for justice because He took my injustices on Himself. 
I threw it on Him. 
I smeared it on Him without thought of what it meant for Him. 
He stands in the light. Beckons through the darkness the verdict. 
Proclaims mercy. 
Offers grace. 
Gives hope. 
Loves unconditionally. 

Thursday, January 21, 2016


It appeared in her face. I caught just the right angle and the glimpse became a full-blown panorama. It was one of those moments you just can't miss. The enduring endearment of revelation displayed so genuinely. Sincerity in the purest form. The lighting was perfect to catch the depth of the subject. 

What was it she said?  Or does it really matter what the words were?  Words are inadequate to display this revelation. 

She spoke of her childhood in Kansas. She spoke of the relentless wind capturing the trees into bent forms. You can't see the wind but you know it has been there because of the evidence left behind. 


I took a picture just three days before. I didn't see this coming. 

“And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you received the word in much affliction, with the joy of the Holy Spirit, so that you became an example to all the believers in Macedonia and in Achaia.”
1 Thessalonians 1:6-7 ESV

The Presence and Power of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit leaves evidence of having been there.  Like the wind she remembered from her days in Kansas, those eyes and that face hold the evidence of God in her. 

And then MA asks what is the evidence you have on display?

Silence. In a room of 14. Silence. 

Is the evidence missing or do we not recognize it in ourselves?

Only so much self-examination is needed. Looking too hard becomes painful. But there is that suffering element presented but not self-inflicted. Suffering from being an imitator of the gospel doesn't qualify if self-inflicted. 

You can't compare an upright tree to a bent one and say they received the same exposure to the elements. 

There is a difference. 

Can you recognize evidence of the Holy Spirit's Presence when you come across it?  Is there a lack of awareness of the Presence in the display?